segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2020

430 - English Practice - Challenges


1-  Go like clockwork = funcionar como o planejado,sem atrasos,sem problemas,perfeitamente.
Challenge to you : Tell me something that in your oppinion goes like clockwork. It can be profissional, social, familiar or any kind of example you know.
2- As far as I"m concerned = Até onde é do meu conhecimento, pelo que eu saiba
Challenge to you = Try to create a sentence using the expression " As far as I'm concerned "
3- Speech = palestra, discurso
Challenge to you = Make a short speech about your Private teacher. ( It seems to be a little difficult, isn't it? My suggestion is talking about the informations you have about him and what he does to make your English classes better time after time. )
4- Pull something off = realizar algo que pareça ser difícil ou inesperado com sucesso, êxito, excelência
Challenge to you: Tell me an experience where you pulled something off. ( It can be something you did well at college, work or home. Example: I am not very good at cooking but when I want to impress somebody I wear my apron ( avental ) and really pull it off. )
5- Look like a fool =  parecer  um perfeito idiota
Challenge to you = Tell me an experience where you or somebody looked like a fool.

6- Look from another angle = ver as coisas com outro ponto de vista, analisar de um angulo diferente
Challenge to you = Tell me something that you would like the people looked from another angle.
7- Milestones = marcos, momentos marcantes
Challenge to you: Tell me what was the most important milestones of your or somebody's life.

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