- To get ripped off - Ser roubado
- To make a living doing - Levar a vida fazendo/ ganhar a vida
- To make ends meet - viver com o que se ganha/ bancar o próprio sustento
- To bang for your buck - valer pelo que se paga
- To get your money's worth - valorizar o seu dinheiro
- To pay off - subornar,pagar suborno
Tell me about a time you got ripped off. What happened? Did you try to get your money back? What was the end result?
Do you know anyone who makes a living doing something unusual? What does he or she do? Do you think you’d enjoy making a living doing what this person does?
Do you think it’s harder to make ends meet now than it was 25 years ago? Why or why not?
What brand of smart phone do you think gives you the most bang for your buck? Why?
Tell us about a time you felt like you weren’t getting your money’s worth?
Do people often pay off government officials in your country? Do these officials ever get punished for their actions?
- Down -to-earth - Pessoa realista , pé no chão
- To cut out for - planejar , traçar um plano
- To eat , sleep and breathe - Dominar /ser especialista
- Black sheep - Ovelha negra / O pior
- To keep to yourself - Se manter por dentro das coisas, informado,atualizado
- To have a chip on somebody's shoulder - Se irritar com alguma coisa /Ficar bravo ou revoltado com algo que aconteceu no passado.
- Blue collar neighborhood - Bairro de operários, trabalhadores braçais
- White collar neighborhood - Bairro ou vizinhança de trabalhadores de escritório, terno e gravata ...
Describing People
Who is the most down-to-earth person you know? Tell us about him or her.
Have you ever tried to do something that you simply aren’t cut out for? What was it?
Is there anything that you eat, sleep, and breathe?
Do you fit in with the rest of your family or are you the black sheep in the family? Does your family have a black sheep? If so, who is it?
Are you outgoing and sociable or do you tend to keep to yourself? Have you always been this way?
Do you know anyone who has a chip on his/her shoulder? Tell us about this person.
Is your neighborhood more blue collar or white collar? Is it a mix of both?
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